How can i create a playlist in the same media player?
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OpenDrive Admin There is currently no way to create a playlist within OpenDrive's media player, but you can create a playlist that will play on Windows Media Player, Winamp or similar.
There are two ways to create a playlist, in M3U format, that will automatically play lists of media files you have stored on your OpenDrive account:
- You can create a playlist manually in a text editor, in the following format:
#EXTINF:Birds In The Belly
#EXTINF:Hock It Like You Own It
#EXTINF:Kid I Know
You can obtain streaming links to your files by right clicking the file, selecting Links, and then copying and pasting the streaming link (not the download link) into the line in your text editor. Repeat this process until you have all of the files you want to play in the list. Save this list as a M3U file, not text, and you will be able to open it in your media player. The player will then proceed to go through the list.
- You can download a M3U Editor from here:
This will allow you a user interface to create your playlist if you are uncomfortable with creating it manually in an editor.
Please keep in mind that you must have hotlinking enabled with a payed account, or by promoting OpenDrive on your website. Also, please keep in mind that you might need to upgrade your plan to accommodate the extra download bandwidth needed to stream the files. You must also have your file permissions set to Public or Hidden. Private files will not be able to be streamed through your player for security purposes.