Originally from ticket #5497.
Is it possible to force the user to set the password when logging in the first time? And maybe include a "confirmation mail" that logs him in the first time.
Hi Stian,
I just want to clarify, you would want something that allows your users to set up their preferred password?
Arden Baino
OpenDrive Support Team
Not only allow, but force the user to change/set password on the first login. As of today I, as the administrator, have to enter the password.
Sorry for keeping it short as I'm writing on my phone.
OpenDrive Support Center < support@opendrive.com> wrote:
Hi Stian,
I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. At this time we cannot force a user to change his password, whenever you create a user, a username and password are automatically being assigned. The only work around as of this time is to let the user know that they need to change the password. I apologize if i wasn't able to provide you with other options but i will be taking note of this and have it forwarded to our developers as a feature request that they might include on upcoming releases.
Arden Baino
OpenDrive Support Team