Adding new Credit Card information for Paid subscribers

Currently, with improvements being made to our billing and payment method, the ability to add new Credit card information is available only to paid subscribers. Several reports have come in where the "add credit card information" becomes unavailable if you delete your current information instead of choosing to edit existing credit card information.

We are actively working on resolving this.

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    Paul Viellieux

    Ummm - if i were you I'd be looking for a way to REMOVE your credit card info...

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    violaine cousin

    yes exactly. if i update the card information it does not accept this. if i add a new payment method with the new card information it tells me that it already has a card with that information, and i cannot delete old card even though it says it is suspended..... kafkaesque....

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    hola, por favor su ayuda, sigo sin poder agregar mi metodo de pago de visa, y paypal y no he podido pagar, corriendo el riesgo de perder mis datos ya almacenados

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