OS-X Snow Leopard Installation Errors

When attempting to install our Mac app on your OS-X Snow Leopard system, you may encounter an installation error stating:

"The installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. You should contact the manufacturer."


This error is due to the Snow Leopard system misinterpreting the certificate in our application installer package. To quickly and easily solve this problem, we are recommending that all Snow Leopard users update the Apple Software Installer on their system. It is a system update recommended for all Snow Leopard users, which will not only resolve the installation error seen when installing our app, but may also help prevent similar errors from occurring when you try to install other apps in the future.


You can download the system update from here: http://support.apple.com/kb/dl1512


Once you download and install the update, OpenDrive will install with no problems. If you are still experiencing problems after the system update, please submit a ticket to our Support Center with as much detailed info as possible.

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