Zoho is a powerful tool for editing documents. The following file types can conveniently be edited online, through your OpenDrive account, without the need to install additional software.
Zoho supported File types for documents: doc, docx, rtf, odt, sxw, html, txt
Zoho supported File types for spreadsheets: xls, xlsx, ods, sxc, csv, tsv
Zoho supported File types for presentations: ppt, pps, odp, sxi
You can edit these file types by selecting the file in the web interface. If you are previewing the file on the File's URL or through the previewer in OpenDrive Web, you can edit the document by moving your cursor over the preview and selecting 'Edit Online'. The Zoho editor works in a similar fashion to an office software suite you are familiar with. Files edited through Zoho, however, may appear to display incorrectly. This is related to editing the document in different software than it was created, and it is common when editing files in any software different than the one used to create the original document.
Please note the following information:
- If a file is private, you may not be able to open it in the Zoho editor unless you have online file editing enabled on the file's properties page.
- Files that have protection enabled for all or part of the document may return errors when you attempt to open them in Zoho